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Will Stainless Steel Get Rust? How to Keep it From Rust? And how to get rid of the rust already been made ?

Not so much, but sometimes still there’s some clients come to us furyly with questions like “why the stainless steel got rust? Are you lying to us about the parts material?” No No of course not, we can guarantee that it's 100% stainless steel you bought from us. But will stainless steel not get rust in any conditions? The answer is not.

To understand why stainless steel will get rust, first we need to know what’s the key to keep stainless steel from rust. Stainless steel remains stainless is because of the interaction between its alloying elements and the environment. These elements react with oxygen from water and air to form a very thin, stable film that consists of such corrosion products as metal oxides and hydroxides. Chromium plays a dominant role in reacting with oxygen to form this corrosion product film. In summary, stainless steel does not rust because it is sufficiently reactive to protect itself from further attack by forming a passive corrosion product layer.

Have you ever used a steel wire tool to clean off your stainless steel stuffs, and then the stainless stuffs rusted in the same spot which was brushed clean? Or have you seen a stainless steel container or sink rust? Yeah, that’s the moment the chromium kinds been removed. So in order to keep your stainless steel grill parts from rust, you should give them some protections: the very first one is use the proper tools to clean it, like non-abrasive tools, like soft cloths and plastic scouring pads, stainless steel pads; Second one is Scrub in a motion parallel to the lines when visible lines are present; use alkaline, alkaline chlorinated or non-chloride containing cleaners, avoid cleaners containing quaternary salts to avoid pitting and rusting; use alkaline, alkaline chlorinated or non-chloride cleaners at recommended strength to keep your food equipment clean and the very last important one is always keep it dry after use.

If your stainless steel parts are already rust, is there anything we can do to save them? Of course! Just follow the instructions:

First add 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 2 cups of water;

Then rub the baking soda solution on the rust stain using a toothbrush;

In the end rinse and wipe the spot with wet paper towel. You will see the rust on the paper towel.

Et Voilà, a whole new stainless steel is been made.

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