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How to Remove the Rusted Bolts from My Grill Burner?

Removing rusted bolts from your grill burner can be a challenging task, but there are a few methods you can try:

  • Use Penetrating Oil: The oil will seep into the threads and loosen the rust, making it easier to remove the bolt. Buy some penetrating oil. Use the little plastic nozzle that comes with it and spray down into the bolt threads (or as close as you can get it to the threads). Let it sit overnight. Tomorrow, go out and give it slight turn to TIGHTEN the bolt. Make sure it's just a slight turn. Then loosen that rusted bolts up and take it out.

  • Use a Bolt Extractor: A bolt extractor is a special tool that can be used to grip the bolt and remove it. Use a drill to make a small hole in the center of the bolt, then insert the bolt extractor and turn it counterclockwise to remove the bolt.

  • Use a Hammer and Punch: If the bolt is stuck, you can try tapping it with a hammer and punch to loosen the rust. Place the punch on the center of the bolt and tap it gently with a hammer. This can help to break up the rust and make it easier to remove the bolt.

  • Use Heat: Use wire to brush off the greasy nasty bolts, then used a propane torch to heat area around the bolt, then use a wrench to try and loosen it. Be careful not to overheat the area, as this can damage the grill.

Remember to use caution when attempting to remove rusted bolts. If the bolt is severely rusted and cannot be removed, it may be best to consult a professional.

If you need to replace your burners or other parts for your grill, you can click here to purchase them. or you can send the pics and grill model label to and we will help you to identify the correct parts for you.

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