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Step-by-Step Guide: How To Measure The Cutout For Built-In Grill

Why pay someone to measure cutouts for your built-in grill? Have you considered giving it a go yourself? Whether your outdoor kitchen is big or small, getting the right measurements for the built-in grill is crucial. Follow these simple steps for accurate results!

Tools Needed

Tape measure
Pen and paper

Step-by-Step Guide
Follow these steps to measure your built-in grill:

Step 1: Measure the Cutout Width
Measure the cutout width by using a tape measure to determine the distance between the left and right sides of the opening where the grill will be installed. Record this measurement.

Step 2: Measure the Depth
Measure the depth by using a tape measure from the inside edge of the front opening to the inside edge of the back opening. This will give you the distance from the front to the back, where the grill will be installed. Record this measurement.

Step 3: Measure the Cutout Height
Measure the cutout height by using a tape measure to determine the distance between the top and bottom of the opening where the grill will be installed. Start from the inside edge of the top of the opening and end at the inside edge of the bottom of the opening. Record this measurement.

Additional Tips

Measure multiple times for accuracy.
Don't measure the grill, just the opening.
Make sure the new built-in grill fits the cutout dimensions.
Add a little extra space for ventilation and easy installation.

Size Recommendation

The built-in grill models are available in various sizes, ranging from compact 24-inch grills to larger 56-inch models. As the grill size increases, so does the cooking surface area, with some models offering nearly 1000 square inches of grilling space. Resist the urge to splurge on the biggest grill your wallet can handle. Remember, size doesn't always equal satisfaction. Sure, a larger grill means more real estate, but it also means more energy and time to get it sizzling!


One of the best ways to get the most out of your grill is to choose a set of grill accessories. With our huge selection of grilling tools like pizza stones, drop-in griddles, grilling wok basket and smoker boxes, you can get the grill of your dreams with ease.

Built-In Grill Cover

Once you've settled on the perfect-sized built-in grill, it's time to snag a waterproof cover to keep it safe. We've got a boatload of covers that can handle any size built-in grill! Click Here to check.

We have a large number of Parts and Accessories for Fireplace, Fire Pit and Grills. You can search for them in our store. If you need any help, please feel free to reach us at

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