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Solo Stove Ranger VS Solo Stove Bonfire - A Comparative Analysis

The Solo Stove Ranger and the Solo Stove Bonfire are two hip and happening portable fire pits from Solo Stove, but they're totally different when it comes to size, capacity, and design. Here's a side-by-side showdown:


Solo Stove Ranger: Smaller of the two. It is more compact and lightweight. Which is often described as the most portable fire pit in Solo Stove's lineup.

Solo Stove Bonfire: It is the larger one which allows it to provide more space for a bigger fire. It's designed for larger gatherings and has a higher wood capacity.

The smaller Ranger has a 15″ diameter, while the Bonfire is 30% wider at 19.5″. The Ranger is 12.5″ tall and the Bonfire is 14″, so not too much difference in height.


Solo Stove Ranger: The Ranger is designed to accommodate smaller fires and is ideal for a cozy night for two or a small group of people.

Solo Stove Bonfire: The Bonfire has a larger capacity, creat larger fires and more heat, suitable for gatherings of up to 4-6 people. Which means you’ll need more wood to keep the fire burning hot.


Solo Stove Ranger: They have compact size and lightweight design. It's easier to pick up and transport for camping, beach trips, or other outdoor adventures.

Solo Stove Bonfire: The Bonfire is still relatively portable, it is larger and heavier than the Ranger, making it better suited for stationary use in a backyard or patio setting, which is better for cooking and keeping people warm.


The price for these two models is pretty close. Generally, the Ranger is more affordable than the Bonfire, making it an attractive option for those on a budget or looking for a smaller fire pit. If you’re looking for more bang (or steel) for your buck, then the Bonfire is the better option.

Cooking Accessories:

Both the Ranger and the Bonfire can be used for cooking. We have various cooking accessories, such as tripods, grills, spark shield, lids, handles and pot sets, the accessories come in multiple sizes which can be used with either fire pit to expand their culinary capabilities. Click Here to check. So whether you choose the Ranger or Bonfire, you’ll have the same great options available. If you don't know what to choose, you can check this blog about 11 Best Fire Pit Accessories for your Solo Stove.

Choosing between the Solo Stove Ranger and the Solo Stove Bonfire depends on your specific requirements and preferences. If you're looking for a portable and compact fire pit for smaller gatherings, the Ranger is a good choice. If you prefer a larger fire pit for larger groups or bigger fires, the Bonfire is the better option. It's important to consider aspects such as, available space, and budget when making a decision.

We have a large number of Parts and Accessories for Fireplace, Fire Pit, Grills. You can search for them in our store. If you need any help, please feel free to reach us at

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